Leadership Training

Many people are getting saved worldwide and in our local churches. However, more Christian workers are required to sustain the growth.

“Go therefore and MAKE disciples of all the nations, baptizing them”… Matthew 28:19

“But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” Acts 1:8

“Who is going to harm you if you are eager to do good? But even if you should suffer for what is right, you are blessed. “Do not fear their threats; do not be frightened.” But in your hearts, revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.” 1 Peter 3:13-15

the Mandate

The mandate of Teach for Souls (TFS) is to be a ministry that MAKES disciples who, in turn, MAKE other disciples. Jesus Christ set this example for us when He focused His ministry efforts on training and intentionally imparting spiritual principles into the 12 disciples, who, after Christ’s departure, used their lives, passions, and gifts to transform the lives of millions of people in their world. This concept was widely practiced in the first-century church and outlined in the book of Acts.

Even though the early church was severely persecuted and lacked access to technology, the printing press, social media, and other forms of modern communication tools available today, the disciples of Jesus spread the gospel “from house to house” and throughout numerous Mediterranean regions and communities. In a relatively short amount of time, and as a result of their concept of discipleship, the number of disciples grew from 12 men to 120, then from 3000 to 5000, to the point where “believers were added to the Lord in increasing numbers, both men and women.” (Acts 5:14-16).

Making Disciples

We are committed to spreading the “good news” about Jesus Christ and supporting believers in acquiring the biblical knowledge they need to become influential and effective disciples of Jesus. As part of our strategy, we connect believers so that they can share information and encourage one another’s spiritual development through the use of resources and tools that facilitate effective evangelism. To achieve this, we participate actively in efforts to increase the spiritual awareness and numerical size of the local church’s membership. Each local assembly has a unique set of initiatives, but ultimately, they all seek the same outcomes. We hope that by equipping believers, they can confidently share their faith in their local congregations, their communities, and across Canada.
TFS emphasizes the infallibility of God’s Word by adhering to the Scriptures and ensuring that our study programs serve as the foundation of our training. We rely solely on the Holy Spirit to simplify God’s Word so that it can be easily understood. Keeping this in mind, everyone in our programs will be exposed to an atmosphere conducive to frank dialogue and open discussions.

We aim to improve believers' capability, productivity, and performance.

Today, there are about 8 billion individuals on Earth, yet approximately 1.8 people die each second, 6,392 each hour, and 153,400 people die each day.

This is staggering and alarming, and it should nudge every believer into action! The call to evangelize now could not be any louder. Think about how many of those souls died knowing the Lord Jesus Christ as saviour or how many did not have a personal relationship with God.

Program Facilitator

Clinton Taylor


Clinton is committed to the "Great Commission." He enjoys equipping believers to make positive, long-lasting evangelism-related changes through training resources and other ministry endeavours.

Clinton has been instructing, training, and developing disciples for over twenty-one years.

Clinton is passionate about equipping and empowering believers, planning and implementing church growth strategies, and seeking to evangelize the unreached in his generation with the life-transforming gospel of Jesus Christ. Clinton is grateful to have the opportunity to concentrate his ministry gift on organizing evangelism programs and establishing strong community and faith-based partnerships in our current multi-religious and multi-cultural society.

Clinton has consistently applied himself and studied to demonstrate that he is an ambassador of Christ for the benefit of the ministry. He has always believed that a clear and comprehensive comprehension of the Word of God (especially as it relates to the plan of salvation and the disciplining of others to share their faith) is crucial for the effective proclamation of what the Bible refers to as “sound doctrine.”

Clinton holds a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and History from Trent University and a Certificate in Nonprofit Sector Leadership and Innovation from Luther College (U of R). He has completed courses in religious studies through Canada Christian College. Clinton has completed and is now a facilitator of the “Kairos” course, a program for evangelism training that prepares Christians for cross-cultural outreach initiatives (with a focus on bringing the gospel to unreached people groups).

Clinton is the author of the revised editions of “Just Milk: Community Bible Program” (2003) and Teach for Souls: An Emergency Response to Evangelism” (2014).

Clinton Taylor


Clinton has been instructing, training, and developing disciples for over twenty-one years.

Clinton is passionate about equipping and empowering believers, planning and implementing church growth strategies, and seeking to evangelize the unreached in his generation with the life-transforming gospel of Jesus Christ. Clinton is grateful to have the opportunity to concentrate his ministry gift on organizing evangelism programs and establishing strong community and faith-based partnerships in our current multi-religious and multi-cultural society.

Clinton has consistently applied himself and studied to demonstrate that he is an ambassador of Christ for the benefit of the ministry. He has always believed that a clear and comprehensive comprehension of the Word of God (especially as it relates to the plan of salvation and the disciplining of others to share their faith) is crucial for the effective proclamation of what the Bible refers to as “sound doctrine.”

Clinton holds a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and History from Trent University and a Certificate in Nonprofit Sector Leadership and Innovation from Luther College (U of R). He has completed courses in religious studies through Canada Christian College. Clinton has completed and is now a facilitator of the “Kairos” course, a program for evangelism training that prepares Christians for cross-cultural outreach initiatives (with a focus on bringing the gospel to unreached people groups).

Clinton is the author of the revised editions of “Just Milk: Community Bible Program” (2003) and “Teach for Souls: An Emergency Response to Evangelism” (2014).

Clinton is committed to the "Great Commission." He enjoys equipping believers to make positive, long-lasting evangelism-related changes through training resources and other ministry endeavours.

Who is a good fit for our training programs?

If you best fit these descriptions, then our online courses are for you.

Join an Online Training Course

These courses are intended to equip believers with information they can use immediately to support the evangelism efforts of their local church.

Just Milk: Community Bible Program
Facilitator Training

Just Milk: Community Bible Program Facilitator Training

Course Overview

The training is intended to prepare local (JMCBP) facilitators.

Each church will nominate individuals (ministry or group leaders, etc.) who will participate and learn for 1–1/2 hours per week over the course of three weeks. These individuals will, in turn, use the training information to implement and teach the JMCBP to their congregations or small groups in a more timely way—over the course of 21 weeks.

A number of ministry organizations across North America have benefited from using the Just Milk program. Many of whom have reported growth in membership and a deeper spiritual awareness. At the very minimum, each participant will be exposed to spiritual concepts and biblical insights that have a transformative effect.

After your ministry has made a purchase, our program facilitator will confirm meeting times and next steps with you.


JMCBP Facilitator Training Testimonials

The course material and experience has been meaningful for me and I have found myself expressing its themes in my ministry and devotional Life. My wife and I are aligning more of our priorities and giving to areas that are reaching lost people/nations and learning to be more selective in what we say yes to, in order to stay focused and obey the Spirit's direction. We align ourselves with God's main directive in the opportunities that come our way.
Jason Luscombe
Assistant to the Superintendent
Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada
We were preparing our assembly for fishing in their own pond. Knowing that Clinton has been training for years, we automatically wanted to access his training resources. We immediately enrolled our new core facilitators in his facilitator training. It has been tremendous both for our assembly and for our facilitator as well. They walked away feeling extra-confident that they could teach the lessons.
Pastor Alan Todd
Global Apostolic Ministries

Take it to the streets Community Evangelism Training

Take it to the streets Community Evangelism Training

Course Overview

The TITTS Course is a mission training course that helps you find and follow God’s calling on your life. It is sensitive to different learning styles and allows participants to engage at their level while providing the skills to serve confidently and effectively in evangelism.

Each session is two hours long and can be integrated weekly into various aspects of the local church’s evangelism and discipleship activities.

TITTS uses dynamic and impactful instructional strategies in the course, such as:

Course Objectives

  • Examine the Canadian socio-religious landscape, immigration patterns, and mission field situation.

  • Explore the biblical perspectives on evangelism and discipleship by examining the "Great Commission" as part of God's mandated plan to spread the message of the Kingdom–the Gospel "everywhere, and to everyone."

  • Examine the cross-cultural aspects, and cultural awareness against the backdrop of biblical evangelism, by focusing on building relationships and understanding the diverse cultural groups we are trying to reach.

  • Examine the history of the early church's use of "house to house" evangelism and the structure and implementation of strategies for conducting salvation-based home Bible studies.

  • To provide an in-depth study and explanation of key biblical topics that will prepare participants to confidently share the message of the plan of salvation in an impactful and biblically sound manner.

  • Examine and evaluate current concepts and methods and plan strategies for implementing evangelism programs and community-based initiatives.

Post Course Challenge

Upon completion of the training, each participant will be challenged to engage in specific community evangelism activities and to conduct a three-session Bible study on salvation with an unbeliever using elements of the curriculum presented. This activity is implemented to assess participants and make recommendations, tweaking where necessary so that they are confident and sufficient in their delivery and execution. With God’s help, this will promote the numerical growth of local congregations.
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